Starting Windows XP
The Start Menu and Taskbar made their debut in Windows 95, remaining with us in each of the Windows versions that have found their way onto our computers. Some users prefer the Start Menu for the majority of their work while others find the Taskbar more convenient. Which method you prefer will influence the options, style, layout, and items selected and placed for quick access. Both the Start Menu and Taskbar offer extensive customization features to accommodate various work habits and preferences.
Let’s take a look at the default Start Menu (P.01) as it appears after the XP installation. A few words and phrases I’ve heard describing it are: huge, ugly, bloated, what the hell was Microsoft thinking, neat, that’s different, and colorful. The colors of the Start Menu are there for more than just blending into the new look XP sports. The white areas of the Start Menu are user based and the light blue areas are operating system based. The amount of control available over the customization process varies between the two sections. Changes can be implemented for either the user who is currently logged on or for all users on the computer. Take a peek at (P.02) where I’ve added a few descriptions to help you get your bearings. These areas will be referenced as we move through the Start Menu and Taskbar screens. While we could begin making changes to the Start Menu right away without accessing any other screens, I think it would be useful to explore the available options first to see what level of customization is possible in Windows XP.
Start Menu Properties
The easiest method of accessing the properties of the Start Menu is to right click on the Start button and select [Properties] from the context menu. The Taskbar and Start Menu Properties Property Sheet (P.03) will open. The focus is on the Start Menu tab. The large display of the desktop at the top of the window will change as selections are made to alter components. There are only two options available from this Property Sheet. Which one you choose will effect the subsequent settings. Switch back and forth between the radio buttons for [Start Menu] > P.03 and [Classic Start Menu] > P.04 while watching the desktop display area. The image will change to display a graphical representation of your selection.
Customize Start Menu - The [General] Tab
Select the radio button next to Start Menu and click [Customize] to open the Customize Start Menu Property Sheet focused on the [General] (P.05) tab. A discussion of each section follows.
[Select an Icon Size for Programs] - Select your choice of large or small icons to be displayed in the Start Menu. This setting only effects the icons displayed in the Pinned Programs and Recently Used Programs lists. (See Fig. UI-65)
[Programs] - Use this setting to increase or decrease the number of entries in the Recently Used Programs list. If you don’t want any entries in the list, use the [Clear List] button and set the [Number of Programs on the Start Menu] to zero.
[Show on Start Menu] - The check marks in this entry refer to the Pinned Programs section. Use the drop down boxes to change the default entries or remove the checkmarks to eliminate the entries from the Start menu. Additional programs can be added to the Pinned Programs section so they are always available. If the program appears in the Recently Used Programs section, right click the program name and select [Pin to Start Menu] from the context menu. The same procedure can be used for any program .exe file to add it to the Pinned programs section.
[Programs] - Use this setting to increase or decrease the number of entries in the Recently Used Programs list. If you don’t want any entries in the list, use the [Clear List] button and set the [Number of Programs on the Start Menu] to zero.
[Show on Start Menu] - The check marks in this entry refer to the Pinned Programs section. Use the drop down boxes to change the default entries or remove the checkmarks to eliminate the entries from the Start menu. Additional programs can be added to the Pinned Programs section so they are always available. If the program appears in the Recently Used Programs section, right click the program name and select [Pin to Start Menu] from the context menu. The same procedure can be used for any program .exe file to add it to the Pinned programs section.
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